Five Elements Study Group – 2024

You can watch our first Live Event Replay HERE!

Our first live event – September 20, 2024

Who are YOU? ∙ Are you authentically YOU? ∙ Love and Relationships ∙ ​


Are you happy in your life, in your relationships, and in your work?

Uncover what you already know about yourself using the language of the ancient wisdom of the Five elements. It’s not about what anyone else thinks your energetics are, not even what your practitioner thinks or believes, it’s about what you discover in your own heart that truly matters.

Bringing the Five Elements to Life (in You and Your Practice)​

Discover a whole new approach to the Five Elements that is not based on the typical diagnostics of Color, Sound, Odor, and Emotion, but rather knowing the Elemental energetics deeply within a person both in distress and in health. We focus on understanding your full “stack-up” of your Elements so that you can understand the energetics in others.

What We Cover in this Study Group:​

 We like to think of this mentorship as the first step on the road of becoming a self-cultivating Alchemist (we are ALL Alchemists in Training). This intensive, supportive, kind, and energetic mentorship group focuses on an Alchemical approach to learning and utilizing the Five Elements for your own self-cultivation as a healer or a human. 

This mentorship group will utilize a variety of teaching techniques to enhance your learning experience, including exercises, meditations, discussions, and much more. 

Who is this Program for?​

If you love the Five Elements and can’t get enough, THIS PROGRAM IS FOR YOU!  

Are you eager to learn more about yourself, no matter your age! 

Do you seek a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness through self-acceptance and self-awareness?

Do you want to heal relationship dynamics through energetic awareness and develop the skills to communicate in ways that others can more readily understand?

If you love the Five Elements and can’t get enough, THIS PROGRAM IS FOR YOU!  

  • Are you eager to learn more about yourself, no matter your age! 
  • Do you seek a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness through self-acceptance and self-awareness?
  • Do you want to heal relationship dynamics through energetic awareness and develop the skills to communicate in ways that others can more readily understand?

In our past groups, we have had: 

  • Five Element Enthusiasts (such as Inspired Action Podcast listeners)
  • Acupuncturists (Five Element or traditional TCM) and energy healer (such as, Shiatsu, Reiki, Craniosacral, etc.) 
  • Lifelong learners and curious beings!

Objectives for this Study Group​

  • Discover the ancient wisdom of the Five Element energies in the world all around you and learn how to apply them effectively for a better life!
  • Our approach is effective… We take the theories of the Five Elements and apply it to everyday life so you can step out on this path boldly and confidently.
  • We are flexible and patient. We trust that everyone comes to this work from their own true nature, which we affirm in every way possible.  We are just the guides – it is your journey to take.Discover the ancient wisdom of the Five Element energies in the world all around you and learn how to apply them effectively for a better life!

This Study Group Includes:​

Our Zoom classes are very interactive high-level lessons and group discussions. We use guided meditations and exercises about each Element. As the program progresses, our cohort also begins to develop closer relationships and we really learn as a community together. It’s a very supportive, caring, and nurturing atmosphere – even for those who don’t have those characteristics in their top Elemental stack-up!

Hello, and welcome to the Five Elements Study Group (2024) for our subscription members. This is where you can find everything related to your program materials, videos, handouts, and other materials. We will also post group links, times and messages here. You will have full access to this material in this area.

We’re excited to have this amazing group of people gathering together from all over the world in this very special program.

We will meet every other Friday at 5:00-6:00 (ish) p.m.

If you’re already a subscribed member, click START on the class and go to the zoom link in our class lessons.

Here are our upcoming events: (Syllabus may be subject to change as we change!)

  • September 20th – Why the Five Elements, Understanding your energy (yin and yang)
  • October 4th – Playing with your Five Elements – Feeling them in your body
  • October 25th – Walking the Walk (Five Element Walks) (NEW DATE!)
  • November 1st – Talking the Talk (Five Element Voices)
  • November 15th – Seeing and Smelling through the Five Element Lens (Five Element Eyes and Smell)
  • December 13th – Being all 5 Elements in your Mind
  • December 27th – The Wood in You
  • January 10th – The Fire in You
  • January 24th -The Earth in You
  • February 21st – The Metal in You
  • March 7th – The Water in You
  • March 21st – Your Second Element
  • April 4th – Your Third Element
  • April 18th – Your Slippery Slope
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons

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