Home Forums General Discussions Jaye – linguistic proof you are Wood :) Reply To: Jaye – linguistic proof you are Wood :)

  • Leta

    February 3, 2021 at 10:37 pm

    So cool Silvia (Jaye thinks it’s a great discussion too). However, while there are sometimes different associations (not always agreement here), the primary associations are:

    Liver – Eyes (not ears). So yes, Wood would say “I see it”

    Kidneys – Ears, although Earth is listening for sure, but Kidneys are more about the quality of hearing, such as whether or not there is deafness

    Earth is Mouth/Taste (probably why they’re such foodies)

    Metal is nose (Large Intestine 20 next to the nose is called Welcome Fragrance)

    Fire is the Tonuge/Speech, which is why it’s the element of talking all the time (communication)

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