Refund Policy

Self-Paced Online Classes

  • When does my online class start and finish?
    On-line classes start immediately. They are self-paced online classes – you decide when you start and when you finish. You will have lifetime access.
  • What if I am unhappy with an online class?
    We offer a 100% money back guarantee. However, due to the fast-paced nature of our online classes, the request must be made within 24 hours of purchasing the class. Please contact us in that timeframe, and we will give you a refund. See our refund policy. We would never want you to be unhappy with this course or life!

Livestream Events

  • Can I watch the class after the event?
    Live classes are recorded and the replays are available to you for one week after the event.
  • Can I cancel my enrollment before the event?
    Yes, if for some reason you wish to cancel your enrollment, please contact us at least 1 week before the event for a refund.

Live In-Person Events

  • What is your refund policy for a live in-person event or retreat?
    We offer a 50% refund for cancellations completed at least 30 days before a live in-person event or retreat. Cancellations made from 29 to 15 days in advance will be offered a 25% refund. We are unable to offer refunds for cancellations made less than 15 days in advance of the event.

Programs and Apprenticeships

  • What is your refund policy for programs and apprenticeships?
    If for any reason you cannot complete the program or apprenticeship, you may receive a prorated refund minus the actual cost of the classes and treatments you’ve received without the apprenticeship discount. No refunds will be made after 6 months of starting in the MAP or MAAP programs or any similar programs.

Working with Leta and Jaye

  • Can I get a session from Leta or Jaye?
    Leta and Jaye have full schedules most of the year, however, they do have wait lists for 2022/2023. If you’re inspired to connect, contact the Alchemy Healing Center at [email protected].
  • Where can I find their podcast?
    Leta and Jaye’s podcast is called Inspired Action ( You can listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Need Help?

  • Where can I ask questions or get help when I’m taking a class?
    All students are encouraged and welcome to ask questions in the Alchemy Learning Center. This is a safe place to ask any question you have. You can DM your teacher in the ALC or participate in a discussion group. The ALC staff is very active on the site and looks forward to meeting you there!
  • Do you have a question about signing up for the course?
    Please feel free to email us with your questions: [email protected].

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