alchemy learning center
Master Alchemy Programs
Join our growing team of Alchemical Practitioners!
Our next Mentorship Now Open for Registration!
Heart-Centered , Personalized, Alchemical Online Training
for Acupuncturists, Acupressurists, Energy Healers, Self-Cultivators and Life-Long Learners
Live Mentorship Group will start October 2024
The Ghost Points Mentorship
Enrollment Now CLOSED
for October 2024 - April 2025
with Leta Herman and Jaye McElroy
Alchemy is... everything.
In ancient times, some very wise human beings observed the essence of life and the natural human responses to it. They noticed that most people lived life like they were little boats on a stormy sea being tossed this way and that. Instead of being at the mercy of these turbulent seas of life, unable to navigate without a rudder, sail, or oars, they pursued a higher path! These ancient Alchemists craved more and asked for more—they sought wisdom rather than material possessions. They discovered a way to navigate through life’s storms, charting a course to destinations of their choosing.
Their aim was to become what the Chinese call a “realized human being” or a “Zhen Ren.” These were the wizards and magicians who energetically embraced all Five Elements within themselves and learned to unlock the secrets of transcending the ordinary human experience through Daoist Alchemy. We believe this is a road truly worth taking.
For us, Alchemy is everything. It forms the core of our own personal journeys, and we are eager to share this path with you—when the time is right for you in your life. We are all different and can only make decisions for ourselves on our own timelines of our journey in this lifetime. We created the Alchemy Learning Center for those who seek more: more understanding, deeper insights, and an expanded knowledge of time and space to go beyond what you thought was possible for yourself. Here, you get to write your own story, and we will guide you as best we can. Alchemy is a solo journey that can be shared with many.
Join us at the Alchemy Learning Center for the 2024 Master Alchemy Program Mentorships. We firmly believe that opening your mind and heart can help you forge a deeper connection with yourself and those around you. We hope you’ll embark on your Alchemical journey with us this year!

The Mentorship/Apprenticeship Path
for Practitioners (and Life-Long Learners)
Level One - Ghost Points∙ Level Two - Heart Pains ∙ Level Three - Starry Sky Points
Begin your journey on the Mentorship/Apprenticeship path with our Ghost Points Mentorship. This mentorship is a six-month program that is a deep dive into the Ghost Points… cultivating them for yourself and your own self-cultivation to prepare you for potentially doing them with your clients.
At the end of our mentorship program, if you are ready and able to do in-person supervision work, you will be invited to join our apprenticeship and complete the Level One requirements to becoming a certified Ghost Points Practitioner.
The Path to Becoming an Alchemical Practitioner
After completing your certification in the Ghost Points Mentorship, you can continue on the Alchemical Practitioner path to completing Level One Certification, Level Two (Heart Pains and Alchemical Grieving Treatments), and Level Three (Starry Sky Points and Gui Possession Treatments).
- Ghost Points Mentorship
- Level One Apprenticeship – Ghost Points & Stages 1 and 2 of Alchemy
- Level Two Apprenticeship – Heart Pains, Grieving Treatment, & Stages 3 and 4 of Alchemy
- Level Three Apprenticeship – Starry Sky Points and Internal Devils/External Devils as Alchemical Treatments & Stage 5 and 6 of Alchemy
It all begins with the Ghost Points Mentorship. Sign up today to begin your transformation into an Alchemical Practitioner.
Alchemy is a fundamental aspect of early Chinese Medicine.
To be an Alchemist requires a new paradigm for healing and for life…
One that leaves the idea of “illness” and being the “healer/helper” behind and enters the realm of each being’s realization of their full potential and perfection.
Alchemical treatments are a roadmap of cultivation techniques that can be applied by modern Chinese Medicine practitioners and Energy Healers with people who believe themselves to be either ill or well.
Through the Alchemical self-cultivation approach to working with points, energy treatments, and meditations for each Alchemical stage, you can discover how to walk your true road in life.
In addition to your own self-cultivation, if you choose to become an Alchemical Healer, YOU will take on a new role as facilitator for each person who intersects with your path.
Ghost Points Mentorship
Treating with Ghost Points ∙ First Stage of Alchemy ∙ Advanced Five Elements in Alchemy
Who are you?
Do you sometimes feel like there is more to life?
Do you have a longing and intuitive knowing that it’s possible to treat people on a much deeper level?
What You'll Learn:
The Ghost Points are famous in Chinese Medicine for getting to the source of trauma and pain and releasing the ways those hook into our body/mind/spirit levels. While the original set of 20 points dates back to before the common era, a famous Chinese doctor named Sun Simiao made them legendary when he created the Song of the Thirteen Ghost Points, which explains how they can release the deeper level “hooks” within a person.
Join us on a path to self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-cultivation through the practice of Alchemy and embracing the Thirteen Ghost Points for yourself and your clients. This intensive mentorship focuses on the fundamental building blocks of becoming a Ghost Points and Alchemy practitioner for your own self-cultivation as a healer or a human. We will be guiding this mentorship based on our upcoming Ghost Points book… plus so much more!
The Thirteen Ghost Points can help a person align with their natural rhythms so that their dormant inner potential can emerge, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of former limitations. It is a deeper awakening of what already lies within. The points guide us in reclaiming and understanding the steps required to find truer states of authenticity.
- The Ghost Points - a deeper understanding of each of the Thirteen Ghost Points
- How to utilize individual Ghost Points in your practice
- The First Stage of Alchemy protocol
- The Alchemical approach to the Five Elements - especially your stack up
- Alchemical Self-Cultivation meditations and exercises
- Learn the best method for doing an Alchemical treatment from the Void of the Heart
Together we can and will move forward and grow as Alchemical Healers in a transformational, positive, and self-loving way.
Discover extraordinary results in treating chronic physical conditions and healing negative emotional patterns caused by trauma and adverse life experiences
Are you RIGHT for this Group?
(Hint: In Alchemy, there is no right or wrong)!
Be a part of the Alchemical Chinese Medicine movement of healing... bringing transformational magic that heals not just our bodies and minds, but our spirits (ours and our clients).
If you are seeking to integrate ancient Alchemical Healing Treatments into your current life and your healing practice, this mentorship is for you. It can be the first step on the road of becoming an Alchemical healer. In our past groups, we have had:
- Chinese Medicine Practitioners (such as acupuncturists, acupressurists, and medical qi gong practitioners, etc.)
- Energy healers (such as Reiki, Craniosacral, etc.)
- People who have had no formal practitioner training but have a wholehearted desire to learn this work for themselves
Alchemy is truly a personal journey, but we have found it helps to take that journey, growing and learning with a supportive community of people who are maybe a little further along this path and love to share knowledge, wisdom, and resources.
This Mentorship Includes:
This mentorship is designed to effectively, professionally, and safely speed up your learning process. Our approach is effective… We take the theories of Alchemy and apply it to practical clinical work so you can step out on this path boldly and confidently. Our students accomplish in a few years what took us 20 years to accomplish.
You get to decide your learning speed! Some students like a more fast track approach while some of our other students love to take their time and let the material soak into their consciousness on a deeper level. Students love the personal Alchemical journey for themselves. Others have many past traumas that have been holding them back and are finding a new found freedom from their own Alchemical treatments and self-cultivation practices.
Self cultivation first, practitioner second!
We are flexible and patient in all of our sessions, lessons and homework. We are just the guides – it is your journey to take.
Our Zoom classes are dynamic and highly interactive, fostering deep discussions. You’ll also experience a variety of meditations, exercises, and group activities focused on the acu-points in the Ghost Points treatments and the Stages of Alchemy. These sessions are designed for shared learning, where everyone benefits from the diverse perspectives and experiences of different Elemental types. The atmosphere is supportive, caring, and nurturing—even for those whose Elemental stack-up might not naturally align with these qualities. You are free to engage as much or as little as you feel comfortable—it’s entirely up to you!
16 - Live "Wu Wei Wednesdays" Zoom Classes with Leta and Jaye (with Replay) - Tentative Schedule Wednesdays (Time will be decided to accommodate the participants) - October through April - Topics include: Playing with the Five Elements, First Stage of Alchemy, Intro to the Ghost points, Ghost Point lectures, meditations, and exercises for each point, using the Ghost Points in your practice, and the Alchemical Practitioner journey
Six-Months Subscription to the Alchemy Learning Center - this includes access to all Alchemy Learning Center Online classes and Live Events, including the Alchemy and Five Element Study Groups
6 - Q & A Interactive Sessions - Once a Month - Ask Leta, Jaye, and our other teachers anything
Weekly Challenges: Engaging exercises for you to enhance your self-cultivation and move you into a deep understanding of your life
☯️ Opportunities to receive your own Ghost Points treatment (with a member discount) in Northampton, Massachusetts
Bonus for Practitioners: 20 NCCAOM (Approved)/16 California CEUs (Approved)
NOTE: This part of the program does not include supervision and certification. However, the information you will learn in this program is the prerequisite to the MAAP Apprenticeship program, which is designed to provide the full mentorship and a community of Alchemical practitioners that is so helpful in learning this level of work.
Instead of the healer role, you take on a facilitator role and instead of relying on the needle as a tool, your presence becomes the instrument of the Divine.
Or said in another way, in Alchemy, you are the needle yet you do nothing!
It’s a Wu Wei, transformational way of healing.
Tentative Wu Wei Wednesday Zoom Schedule
Our Zoom classes are very interactive. Because all our apprentices come to our Zoom sessions having already taken our lecture-style online classes, which are rich with so much content, our live Zoom sessions become very high-level discussions. We also do meditations about each of the acu-points in the Ghost Points treatments and Stages of Alchemy. These meditations become a group experience, where we all learn from each other sharing our experiences and discovering other vantage points, especially those of very different Elemental types. As the year progresses, our cohort also begins to develop closer relationships and we really learn as a community together (including your teachers!). It’s a very supportive, caring, and nurturing atmosphere – even for those who don’t have those characteristics in their Elemental stack-up!
- October 23 – Getting to know your cohort and meditation
- October 30 – Playing with your Five Elements and Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk
- November 6- The First Stage of Alchemy
- November 20 – Intro to Ghost Points: What’s Holding You Back?
- December 4 – First Trinity
- December 11 – First Trinity continued
- January 8 – Overview of Treatments / Second Trinity of Ghost Points
- January 22 – Second Trinity continued
- February 5 – Ghost Points Third Trinity
- February 19 – Third Trinity continued
- March 5 – Ghost Points Third and Fourth Trinity
- March 12 – Fourth Trinity continued
- March 19 – Fourth Trinity / Final Point
- April 2 – Ghost Points in Practice, Gui Treatments
- April 9- Ghost Points Review
- April 16 – Next Steps – Creating your Alchemical Cauldron
Note: The schedule may change because each group is unique!
"You’re not seeing yourself as the person who is doing the healing, but rather as the medium or the intermediary by which something comes through you... and through you, you’re serving as a vehicle of the healing process."
- Master Jeffrey Yuen
SAVE your spot in this very special mentorship.
We will have a limited number of places and expect to fill this cohort before October start date!
$3200 USD
(save $100)
$550/month USD
6 Payments
Observation Options available PRIOR to September Start…
When you sign up for our Mentorship program, you get a 6-month free membership subscription and are invited (and encouraged if you have time) to join our Five Element Fridays and Alchemy Meditation Mondays! (See below)…
If you missed this year's Mentorship group, you can join our subscription membership until our next cohort begins... and attend live events every week...
Five Element Fridays Study Group
Who are YOU? ∙ Are you authentically YOU? - Love and Relationships ∙
Join us on Fridays...
With the Energy and Excitement of
the Inspired Action Podcast!
We make learning the Five Elements FUN!!!
are you happy in your life, in your relationships, and in your work?
Uncover what you already know about yourself using the language of the ancient wisdom of the Five elements.
It’s not about what anyone else thinks your energetics are, not even what your practitioner thinks or believes, it’s about what you discover in your own heart that truly matters.
Bringing the Five Elements to Life (in You and Your Practice)
Discover a whole new approach to the Five Elements that is not based on the typical diagnostics of Color, Sound, Odor, and Emotion, but rather knowing the Elemental energetics deeply within a person both in distress and in health. We focus on understanding your full “stack-up” of your Elements so that you can understand the energetics in others.
What We Cover in this Study Group:
We like to think of this mentorship as the first step on the road of becoming a self-cultivating Alchemist (we are ALL Alchemists in Training). This intensive, supportive, kind, and energetic mentorship group focuses on an Alchemical approach to learning and utilizing the Five Elements for your own self-cultivation as a healer or a human.
This mentorship group will utilize a variety of teaching techniques to enhance your learning experience, including exercises, meditations, discussions, and much more.
Who is this Program for?
If you love the Five Elements and can’t get enough, THIS PROGRAM IS FOR YOU!
Are you eager to learn more about yourself, no matter your age!
Do you seek a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness through self-acceptance and self-awareness?
Do you want to heal relationship dynamics through energetic awareness and develop the skills to communicate in ways that others can more readily understand?
In our past groups, we have had:
- Five Element Enthusiasts (such as Inspired Action Podcast listeners)
- Acupuncturists (Five Element or traditional TCM) and energy healer (such as, Shiatsu, Reiki, Craniosacral, etc.)
- Lifelong learners and curious beings!
If you are answering yes then you can learn that The Five Elements reflect everything around us in the universe, but the study of the Five Elements is truly a personal journey. It helps to take that journey in a supportive community and learn from those who are maybe a little further along this path.
Objectives for this Study Group
- Discover the ancient wisdom of the Five Element energies in the world all around you and learn how to apply them effectively for a better life!
- Our approach is effective… We take the theories of the Five Elements and apply it to everyday life so you can step out on this path boldly and confidently.
- We are flexible and patient. We trust that everyone comes to this work from their own true nature, which we affirm in every way possible. We are just the guides – it is your journey to take.
This Study Group Includes:
Our Zoom classes are very interactive high-level lessons and group discussions. We use guided meditations and exercises about each Element. As the program progresses, our cohort also begins to develop closer relationships and we really learn as a community together. It’s a very supportive, caring, and nurturing atmosphere – even for those who don’t have those characteristics in their top Elemental stack-up!
Sign up today!
Alchemy Meditation Monday Study Group
Alchemical Meditations ∙ Your First Stage of Alchemy ∙ Daoist Self-Cultivation
We make learning how to Meditate FUN!!!
Join us on Mondays and let us teach you how to make your Meditation Practice more meaningful, enjoyable and a joyous part of your life!
Who is this Program for?
This program is for EVERYONE and ANYONE in the world who has a SINCERE DESIRE to discover more in themselves and in the way they live their lives.
This mentorship group will utilize a variety of teaching techniques to enhance your learning experience, including exercises, meditations, discussions, and more. It’s the first step on the road of becoming a self-cultivating Alchemist (Alchemist in Training).
Do you love meditation but struggle to establish a consistent practice?
Have you longed to delve deeper into meditation, only to find it challenging to connect with the practice?
Are you seeking something more meaningful in life? Perhaps that "more" is the emergence, evolution, and transformation of your authentic self into the fullest potential of YOU.
This is the road of Alchemy and Alchemical Meditations!
Come travel in this magical space with us... one meditation at a time—on Mondays!
Discover the ancient wisdom of Daoist Alchemy and bring the transformation power of the Stages of Alchemy into your life!
This program builds on the years of wisdom of its teachers in a way that can speed up your learning process. Our approach is effective… We take the theories of Daoist Alchemy and apply it to everyday life so you can step out on this path boldly and confidently.
We are flexible and patient. We trust that everyone comes to this work from their own true nature, which we affirm in every way possible. We are just the guides – it is your journey to take.
This Study Group Includes:
Our Zoom classes are very interactive high-level discussions. We also do meditations about each of the acu-points in the First Stage of Alchemy. These meditations become a group experience, where we all learn from each other, sharing our experiences and discovering other vantage points, especially those of very different Elemental types. As the program progresses, our cohort also begins to develop closer relationships and we really learn as a community together (including your teachers!). It’s a very supportive, caring, and nurturing atmosphere – even for those who don’t have those characteristics in their Elemental stack-up!
About Your Teachers
Leta Herman is an Alchemical Healer, Chinese Medicine teacher, Podcast host of the Inspired Action Podcast, as well as author of Through the Mystery Gate, The Energy of Love, Connecting Your Circle, and The BIG “Little” Gua Sha Book. She is the co-founder of the Alchemy Healing Center, a very active Chinese Medicine clinic in Northampton, MA dedicated to helping clients find their true potential through Alchemical transformation. She is the driving force behind the new Alchemy Learning Center, offering online classes and live events related to The Five Elements, The Nine Palaces, and Alchemy.
She has immersed herself in the philosophies of Daoism, Alchemical Healing, and Chinese Medicine for over twenty years. She is a long-time student of Master Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Daoist priest and Chinese Medicine master. She is also a graduate of Eliot Cowan’s Plant Spirit Medicine studies program and has studied intensively with well-known teachers and former students of J.R. Worsley, who brought Five Element Acupuncture to the West in the 1960s.
In this program, we will share many of the beautiful teachings passed down from
Master Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Daoist Priest.

“In 2010, I was very fortunate to travel with Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Daoist priest and Chinese Medicine master (and my teacher) on a trip to China where we visited the home of the most famous immortal, Sun Simiao, known as the “King of Medicine.” Sun Simiao created a famous treatment called The Thirteen Ghost Points that helps cleanse the soul of guilt, shame, and trauma. Sometimes I call these the skeletons in your closets.”
- Leta

Jaye McElroy is an Alchemical Life Strategist, Podcast host of the Inspired Action Podcast, as well as author of Through the Mystery Gate, The Energy of Love, Connecting Your Circle, and The BIG “Little” Gua Sha Book. She is the co-founder of the Alchemy Healing Center, a very active Chinese Medicine clinic in Northampton, MA dedicated to helping clients find their true potential through Alchemical transformation. She is a co-founder of the new Alchemy Learning Center, offering online classes and live events related to The Five Elements, The Nine Palaces, and Alchemy.
McElroy combines her career in business, writing, and creative arts with Alchemy and the Five Elements to help people manifest their true potential in life. She considers herself a humble student of life, love, and laughter.
What Our Students are Saying...

Alchemy is mastery of your own life. It’s not easy to achieve, but anyone can achieve it.
Watch Leta talk about the introduction to the program.
Watch this FreeWebinar on: Choosing the Path of the Alchemist
- Contribute to an active learning community that manifests our true potential as cooperative social beings
- Develop or expand a vision of Alchemical culture
- Grow further inspired to manifest that vision
- Perpetuate positive action to incite others to embody their own Alchemical path
- Be part of and connect with an emerging community of Alchemically-oriented people
- Celebrate transformation, curiosity, inspiration, and self-cultivation
This is about asking yourself better questions.

The Alchemy Healing Center
Healing in modern day society is focused on getting rid of symptoms as quickly as possible. The Alchemy Healing Center in Northampton MA, founded by Leta Herman and Jaye McElroy, is focused on cultivating your true potential while healing the source of the problem, whether it is emotional or physical.
More about our Apprenticeship Journey
Level One Certification: Embarking on Your Journey
Begin with our Ghost Point Mentorship Program – online classes about Alchemical Healing, the Five Elements, the Nine Palaces, and the Ghost Points
Receive your Ghost Points treatment and start your monthly Nine Stages of Alchemy treatments
When you are ready, receive your Alchemical Life Strategy Sessions
Observe Ghost Point treatments in person
Once you’ve completed your supervision, begin treating on your own (with post-clinical supervision)
Level Two Certification: The Practitioner's Journey
Continue with your cohort for 2-3 Sessions a month, which will cover the Nine Heart Pains and IDs/EDs Treatments, plus Stages Three and Four of Alchemy
Receive your Heart Pains treatment, your monthly Nine Stages of Alchemy treatments and Life Strategy sessions
Observe Heart Pains and/or IDs/EDs treatments
Do your Heart Pains and/or IDs/EDs supervised treatments (when you are ready)
Once you’ve completed your supervision, begin treating on your own (with post-clinical supervision)
Level Three:
Advancing Forward
Continue 2-3 Cohort Sessions a month, which will cover IDs and EDs (Gui Possession, the Starry Sky Treatment, plus the remaining 9 Stages of Alchemy
Receive your Starry Sky Points treatment
Observe IDs/EDs and Starry Sky treatments
Do your supervised treatments (when you are ready)
Once you’ve completed your supervision, begin treating on your own (with post-clinical supervision)
Leta & Jaye's New Ghost Points Book COMING SOON!

Until then, you can order Leta Herman & Jaye McElroy’s Alchemy book!
Enter the Mystery Gate of Daoist Alchemy and discover how to remove the obstacles in your way, embrace the magic of all that is, and learn to fly in your life.
Upcoming Live Events

Join us for online and in-person events!
Our events cover everything from livestream classes on Alchemy and Chinese Medicine, Self-cultivation Quests, the Apprenticeship Program, and yearly Alchemical retreats.
The Podcast

Season 6 is here!
Embrace the magic of the mystery of your life. Take a journey with Leta and Jaye through the Mystery Gate with Season 5 of the Inspired Action Podcast. The first episode explores new beginnings and new directions.

Alchemy is the Road Less Traveled
If you’re attracted to Alchemy and to the ways it can transform your life, you must ultimately walk it alone. But we like to say you can have friends along the way, who will share the path with you. Many Alchemists retreated to the mountains in the old days, to practice in small groups. This is a tradition of living life differently than people do in mainstream modern culture. The focus is on self-cultivation. We’ve been practicing Alchemy for many years now. We are also lucky to have found and built a community of others who want to practice with us.
– Leta & Jaye
How to Use an Alchemical Approach to Create Deeper Levels of Transformation in Yourself and Your Clients
Interested in Becoming a Transformational Healer?
We put together a free webinar on how to use Alchemy to powerfully change your Healing practice and your life.

The next start date is