Alchemy Meditation Mondays Study Group

You can watch our first Live Event Replay HERE!

This program is for EVERYONE and ANYONE in the world who has a SINCERE DESIRE to discover more in themselves and in the way they live their lives.

This mentorship group will utilize a variety of teaching techniques to enhance your learning experience, including exercises, meditations, discussions, and more. It’s the first step on the road of becoming a self-cultivating Alchemist (Alchemist in Training).

Do you love meditation but struggle to establish a consistent practice?

Have you longed to delve deeper into meditation, only to find it challenging to connect with the practice?

Are you seeking something more meaningful in life? Perhaps that “more” is the emergence, evolution, and transformation of your authentic self into the fullest potential of YOU.

This is the road of Alchemy and Alchemical Meditations!
Come travel in this magical space with us… one meditation at a time—on Mondays!

Discover the ancient wisdom of Daoist Alchemy and bring the transformation power of the Stages of Alchemy into your life!

This program builds on the years of wisdom of its teachers in a way that can speed up your learning process. Our approach is effective… We take the theories of Daoist Alchemy and apply it to everyday life so you can step out on this path boldly and confidently.

We are flexible and patient. We trust that everyone comes to this work from their own true nature, which we affirm in every way possible.  We are just the guides – it is your journey to take.

This Study Group Includes:​

Our Zoom classes are very interactive high-level discussions. We also do meditations about each of the acu-points in the First Stage of Alchemy. These meditations become a group experience, where we all learn from each other, sharing our experiences and discovering other vantage points, especially those of very different Elemental types. As the program progresses, our cohort also begins to develop closer relationships and we really learn as a community together (including your teachers!). It’s a very supportive, caring, and nurturing atmosphere – even for those who don’t have those characteristics in their Elemental stack-up!

Hello, and welcome to the Alchemy Meditation Mondays. This is where you can find everything related to your program materials, videos, handouts, and other materials. We will also post group links, times and messages here. You will have full access to this material in this area.

We’re excited to have this amazing group of people gathering together from all over the world in this very special program.

If you’re not a member, you can sign up to join our next event!

Upcoming dates:

  • September 23rd – Intro and Open Your Doors and Who Am I Meditation
  • October 7th – Your Psychic SuperPowers (Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance)
  • October 21st – Releasing Chaotic Qi Meditation
  • November 4th – Letting Go of Letting Go Meditation
  • November 18th – Stage One of Alchemy
  • December 2nd – Entering the Mystery Gate – embracing and releasing fear
  • December 16th – What do you really want?
  • December 30th – Getting into the Void of your heart (aligning with your heart)
  • January 13th – Releasing Rebellious Qi
  • January 27th – Communing with your higher self
  • February 24th – Living with ease, segment intending
  • March 10th – Stage Two of Alchemy
  • March 24th – Creating Your Alchemical Cauldron
  • April 7th – Releasing the Baggage of this Lifetime
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons

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