Removing Obstacles with the Nine Palaces


Alchemy is a fundamental aspect of early Chinese Medicine. Ancient master healers like Ge Hong and Sun Si Miao developed Alchemical healing protocols, like the Thirteen Ghost Points and the Nine Stages of Alchemy, that focus on realizing each being’s full potential rather than simply healing illness.



The Nine Palaces are the Nine parts of life every human being needs to attend to in order to feel a sense of fulfillment in life. A large part of Alchemical Healing demands that practitioners understand the many dilemmas that face our clients in terms of finding balance of the Nine Palaces in their lives.

Many people face big obstacles in their minds and Alchemy is the path that converts obstacles into challenges that can be overcome so that we fulfill our curricula of this lifetime. This class will also focus on the first training for becoming an Alchemical Healer – learning how to access the Void of your heart and your patient’s heart. This is the space that Alchemical Healing is done in.

  • The Nine Palaces – turning obstacles into fulfillment of the curriculum
  • Self-Cultivation through the Nine Palaces
  • Identity exercise – Who are YOU?
  • Identifying your defense mechanisms and healing heart pains
  • Affirming Your Life
  • Getting into the Void of your heart meditation and homework
  • Working in the void
  • Identifying your Value Words so that you can make decisions that affirm your curriculum

Alchemical Healing

Alchemy is a fundamental aspect of early Chinese Medicine. Ancient master healers like Ge Hong and Sun Si Miao developed Alchemical healing protocols, like the Thirteen Ghost Points and the Nine Stages of Alchemy, that focus on realizing each being’s full potential rather than simply healing illness.

Alchemical Healing is a unique approach to healing that focuses on both the client and the practitioner’s transformational process. The Master Alchemy Program will help you embark on your personal journey towards your own radical transformation – a path of self-cultivation, self-exploration, facing and letting go of past traumas, and so much more… It taps into your innate potential to  go deeper into the Mystery of Life both personally and then with clients. 

In order to provide this level of work, we must become skilled in assessing the true nature of our patients and then connecting to them in a way that they feel truly understood. This level of understanding is verbal and energetic. It’s about connecting the circle of your Five Element energetics within yourself, understanding the correlation of the Nine Palaces to ascertain a person’s destiny path, and then calling upon these theories to create deeper levels of professional rapport and intimacy with patients. This method can provide an incredible backdrop to helping a person embrace Alchemical transformation.

This Becoming an Alchemical Healer series contains all the fundamental building blocks for becoming an Alchemical Healer and is a prerequisite for all other Master Alchemy Program intensives, Advanced Studies, and the Master Alchemy Apprenticeship Program.

Who should take this class?

  • Practitioners interested in incorporating Alchemical Healing approaches into their practice (acupuncturists, acupressurists, medical qigong and other energywork practitioners)
  • ​Practitioners who are focused on the psycho-emotional aspects of treatment
  • ​Practitioners and Students who would like to expand their treatment toolbox for difficult patient cases
  • ​Anyone who has an intense curiosity about emotional healing


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