Energetics of Flow: Addressing Blocks to the Flow of Energy Series
Livestream Event: January 25th, 2024 8:00-9:30 p.m. Eastern Time
CEUs: 1.5 NCCAOM/California
This class is for practitioners and self-cultivators. Learn how yin and yang energy flow in the body and interchange with each other. Learn how to work with your own energetic flow in the body. In addition, learn about the Yin and Yang organs of the body and the relationship they have which each other. If the organs lose their “right relationship,” with each other, this causes major issues in the body/mind/spirit. In this class, we will have a conversation with our own organs and learn the Alchemical approach to healing these difficult relationships that can develop.
Ren Mai/Du Mai Block
Yin and Yang in the body form an intricate partnership of energetic influence. Yin descends, brings substance, and generates fluids. Yang ascends, brings vitality, and protects the exterior. This partnership is in constant flux, one feeding into the other, as represented by the central meridians, the Ren Mai and Du Mai (also known as the Conception Vessel (CV) and the Governing Vessel (GV). These vessels are responsible for feeding the 12 primary vessels their energy.
On a rare occasion, these vessels can become obstructed and the flow of Yin and Yang energy in the body becomes blocked. The flow of energy through the Ren Mai and Du Mai is paramount for optimal health, and any such obstruction usually results in utter exhaustion.
Treating a Ren Mai/Du Mai block helps the body restore its yin/yang balance and optimal health. These treatments are fairly simple to learn and utilize in the treatment room. Once you discover the effectiveness of these simple treatments, you may find that simple complaints of exhaustion in otherwise healthy people are more easily remedied.
Balancing the Ren Mai and Du Mai involves first assessing through pulse analysis as well as evaluating the signs and symptoms. Then treatment focuses on using the points on the Ren and Du Mai to rebalance the body.
Husband/Wife Imbalance
The classical Chinese Medicine text, the Nan Jing, explains the role of Yin and Yang in the body, describing the Liver and Lungs roles in mediating between Fire and Water as the Husband and Wife relationship. What does this mean? Why does it matter?
To maintain optimal health in the body, you need the proper relationship between your organs. Sometimes hopelessness and despair can interfere with that relationship. Learn in this class what to do about a Husband/Wife Imbalance and how to treat it, not just with points, but with an Alchemical “non-needle” technique.
Establish better relationships between the organs that are in charge of your essential lifeforce (your JingShen) and the organs in charge of your maintenance of life (food and air).
While these approaches are not commonly taught in TCM or CCM schools, many practitioners have embraced them with remarkable results. In our discussion, we will delve into the energetic principles behind needling methods and explore non-needle energetic methods that can be applied both at home and with clients who prefer non-needle approaches.
Although this class is primarily designed for acupuncturists, practitioners from various other disciplines and even those without prior practice experience can also gain valuable insights from the non-needle energetic methods we will be covering.
Learn to cultivate your Yin and Yang relationships in your own body through your Ren Mai and Du Mai as well as through the communication between your “Husband” and “Wife” officials.
Consider taking this class because it offers significant benefits for your practice:
- New Methods: You’ll learn new treatment protocols that can make a big difference in your healing approach.
- Deeper Understanding of Channel Energetics: Adding to the basic curriculum taught in most TCM acupuncture schools, this class goes into a more mystical approach to understanding energetics and channel flow that every practitioner should know.
- Innovative Approaches: The class focuses on non-needle methods like energetic acupressure, which can be useful in cases involving children or clients who fear needles.
- Practice Enhancement: Implementing these treatments can expand the conditions you can treat effectively, boosting client satisfaction and the overall effectiveness of your practice.
- Expert Instruction: With over 20 years of experience in esoteric and Alchemical Chinese Medicine, Leta Herman will share her practical insights to improve your skills directly.
Who should take this class?
- Practitioners interested in a channel energetics approach to healing (acupuncturists, acupressurists, medical qigong and other energywork practitioners)
- Practitioners who are focused on the psycho-emotional aspects of treatment
- Practitioners and students who would like to expand their treatment toolbox for difficult patient cases
- Anyone who has an intense curiosity about energetic healing
- Practitioners who are looking for alternative methods for treating mysterious illness that doesn’t fit into conventional Western medical viewpoint or TCM principles